It is with deep sadness that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Angus Archer, the owner of AMS Porsche.

Angus was not only the heart and soul of the business but also a well known figure in the Porsche community, a true enthusiast who cared deeply about his customers and their cars. His loss is felt profoundly by all of us.

We want to reassure all customers that their vehicles are safe, and we will be in touch with each of you in due course. During this difficult time, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate the next steps for AMS Porsche.

Thank you for your support and kind messages.

The AMS Porsche Team

Thank you to all our 2020 Porsche customers

Tuesday 22 December, 2020

We’d like to say a great big thank you to all of our Porsche Engine Rebuild and Porsche Service & Repair customers. 

You have all made AMS Porsche a very busy place in 2020, and given the circumstances, we couldn’t have asked for anything more.

It’s been business as usual as much as it could be throughout the year. In fact our Porsche technicians and myself have worked through all the troubles this year without a single day off, including Saturdays! I for one have had enough of 2020 and I think the boys have too, so you’ll be glad to know that I’m treating them to a full Christmas break this year.

We will be signing off at the workshop today, 22nd December, and returning on 4th January 2021, reinvigorated and ready to work on your Porsche. 

We wish everyone a bit of health and happiness, and hope that you all manage to enjoy what you can of the very different Christmas 2020 festivities. 

We look forward to welcoming you and your Porsche back into the AMS Porsche Workshop in 2021!